This is a multifaceted grouping that includes three radio shows...
Our official business, Rock River Technology Services, where we do computer repair, data transfer, media conversions, photography, video work, web design, graphic design, and much more.
We also book and film concerts (The Last Exit for the Lost presents...), we have a free DVD series called The Dave and Joe Show that is a variety show focusing on music.
We have also made a series of movies, mostly slapstick comedy, but at least one serious movie. All are available for free.
On the left you will find links to our other pages, links to other things we are involved in, our video sites, and our blogs.
Although Aethyric Productions is a group effort, Seriah Azkath is the main creator and contact for anything done here. You can drop him an e-mail at demon@aethyricproductions,com or contact him via facebook.